Innilgard Rapier Champion

In March 2003 Baron Dai and Baroness Alycie proclaim that:

“The Champion was chosen based on fighting skill, courtesy – both on and off of the field, and appearance, and we held all of these points of equal importance when making the decision of who to choose as the First Baronial Rapier Champion for Innilgard.”

The following champions strive to uphold those noble aims:

2024 AS58 February 18 – Ulrich of Innilgard
2023 AS57 February 5 – Kit Hackforth
2022 AS56 March 27 – Ulrich of Innilgard
2021 AS55 March 21 – Dytryk Lehrer
2019 AS53 March 10 – Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye
2018 AS52 February 25 – Kit Hackforth
2017 AS51 February 12 – Faelen mac Flainn
2016 AS50 February 14 – Kit Hackforth
2015 AS49 March 8 – Mark von Riga
2014 AS48 March 16 – Felix Arnett von Danzig
2013 AS47 January 27 – Haos Windchaser
2012 AS46 March 4 – William Forester de Blacwode
2011 AS45 February 20 – Aldwin Seguin
2010 AS44 March 21 – Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye
2008 AS42 February 16 – Aldwin Seguin
2007 AS41 February 11 – Event did not occur
2006 AS40 February 19 – Tostig atte Scelga. Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye was the winner.
2005 AS39 February 20 – William Forester de Blacwode. Tostig atte Scelga was the winner.
2004 AS38 February 22 – Fionghuine Mac Coinnich
2003 AS37 February 8 – Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye. Marc de Montfault was the winner.