Do you like making things? Learning more about history through competitions? For some, it definitely beats listening to lectures.

If you’re confused and are wondering how to get involved with the competitions check out the Lochac Arts and Sciences site for a wealth of information.

Unless otherwise noted A&S (Arts and Sciences) Competitions focus on articles/inspiration from pre-1600 CE. Entrants must submit competition paperwork with each entry and documentation is highly desirable. The are also standard forms for judging and making comments on A&S entries.

Competitions are a great way to get feedback on your work and focus your research. If you feel inspired to enter a competition, the following competitions are coming up soon:

Note: each of the following dot points is a separate competition category, and you can submit anything that can be linked to the category unless it it guild-specific. So for example, for a embroidery guild competition, you would need to submit embroidery whereas for a general competition you can use any medium.

Upcoming Local Competitions:

Feast of Fools

  • Winter Warmers – Anything that keeps you warm in winter

Baronial Heavy Championship

  • A gift for the new Baronage

Royal Retreat of Art and Valour

  • Art
  • Valour

Upcoming Lochac-wide competitions (Australia and New Zealand)

Spring Crown:

  • Puzzles
  • Shell
  • Before 1000 AD

November Coronation

  • Protective Clothing
  • Flowers
  • Trading Textiles

Autumn Crown:

  • Music For the Choir
  • Mythical
  • Mahgreb

The Worshipful Company of Broderers also run separate Guild-based competitions focusing on embroidery techniques. More details can be found here:

Please contact the Baronial Arts & Sciences Officer if you have any queries regarding A&S Competitions. Links to competition paperwork will go up shortly, and information sessions on judging and entering A&S competitions will be run soon.