Huscarl Tabards


August 7 1994 AS29 – Tourney of Pearls, War Memorial Drive. Baron Tovye and Baroness Aislinn create the Order of the Huscarls.


“Our Barony has many strengths, and in its people lie many talents. Counted high amongst these is skill at arms, for the might of the sword is oft needed, both in times of peace and peril.

In combat, prowess and chivalry are but two sides of the one coin. For this reason did Tovye and Aislinn create and appoint the Huscarls of Innilgard, so that the might and honour of our Barony will ever be nurtured and that our borders never go undefended.”

Founding members:

Eric Alard (Sargent), Dhugal of Landewednak, Aylwin Greymane

Current Huscarls:

  • Steven Rosenwolf – 18/02/1996
  • Tancred the Unruly – 18/02/1996
  • Brand Regenwald – 15/12/1996
  • Leonhardt von Saxonberg – 05/10/1997
  • Micheline de Lyons – 25/07/1999
  • Yevan de Leeds – 18/11/2001
  • Pietro del Toro Rosso – 21/04/2002
  • Giovannino da Vidor – 18/04/2004
  • Pedro Fernandez – 18/04/2004
  • Tostig atte Scelga – 18/04/2004
  • Fagan of Innilgard – 19/06/2011
  • Brykcy Karol Gdanski – 28/04/2013
  • Cullan of Innilgard – 05/04/2014
  • Timothy of Newton – 18/06/2016
  • Finnbjorn Skeggison – 19/08/2018
  • Tristan – 19/08/2018
  • Sefa the Defender – 26/06/2022
  • Siegfried von Klief – 26/06/2022
  • Ulfvithr nattfari Hrafnarson – 10/09/2023
  • Dai Bach –
  • Diego Alvarez –
  • Douglas Hathaway –
  • Robert of Strathconan –
  • Tomas del Valle de Bravo –

Token given to retired members

Retired Huscarls:

Huscarles may retire from their duties, sometimes due to being knighted

  • Aylwin Greymane – 7/08/1994
  • Dhugal of Landiwednak – 7/08/1994
  • Eric Alard – 7/08/1994
  • Benedict of York – 20/11/2005
  • Eva von Danzig – 29/03/2009
  • Felix Arnett von Danzig – 29/03/2009
  • Thibault Nesti von Danzig – 15/05/2016
  • Silvie de Rohan –
  • Toirdhealbhach O Corrain – Light
  • William Blackwood – Light