General Information

Unless stated otherwise, events are a chance for us to dress up and make our best attempt at recreating the middle ages as they should have been. All attendees are expected to wear at least an attempt at pre-17th century garb. If you need to borrow some clothes for the event, please contact the Hospitaller at least a week before the event to arrange to borrow something appropriate.

Minors are welcome to attend SCA events and training, but they must have a parent/guardian present. A parent/guardian can also nominate another adult each event or training session as a caregiver to serve this purpose, please ask the Constable for a form, or print one yourself (available here).


Meerkats vs the “World”/ The Feast of Fools – Fretted Frenzy IV
Sunday 28th July

A Banquet Where Norms Unwind / Social Scripts Left Far Behind
A Jester Crowned with Cap and Grace / Foolish Antics and Merry Chase
In the Realm of Jest, the Wise Play Dumb / At the Feast of Fools, Dignity Undone

Book and find more details here.

Barossa Medieval Fair
17 – 18th August

Please come and support the Barony. Medieval fair demonstrations are a great way of promoting the Society to the public and a really fun weekend!

Find more details about the fair here. Sign up to help here.

Baronial Heavy Championship
Sunday 1st September

Come gather for a most auspicious event! It is that time of the year again for the most noble and chivalric armoured fighters to test their metal against one another and find the most worthy to be champion of Innilgard.

Find more details here.

Spring Crown Tournament
7 – 8th September
Canton of Torlyon

The Canton of Torlyon will be hosting Spring Crown Tournament 2024. 

Find more details here.

Fretted Frenzy V – Springtime Shoot
Sunday 8th September

A day of Archery and Comraderie, Multiple shoots, formats to be announced.

Find more details here.

Royal Retreat of Art & Valour
18 – 20th October

Great Innilgard bids Welcome to all, Gentles Near and Far, Pray Gather and Pay Heed to the Progress of Their Hignesses, soon to be Majesties Bain and Iglesia, as they visit our Bountiful Barony.

Days of Glory and Art, Nights of Feasting and Song, Join us in this Glorious Celebration!

Find more details here.

Foundation Day Picnic
Sunday 27th October

Come enjoy Innilgard’s traditional Foundation Day Picnic! Since AS 16 (1982) we have enjoyed a day of relaxation, games and occasionally kite flying as the Barony gets together to celebrate and enjoy one another’s company.

Find more details here.

November Coronation
16 – 17th November
Canton of Burnfield

The Canton of Burnfield will be hosting Spring Coronation 2024. 

Find more details here.

Fretted Frenzy VI – The Rest
Saturday 23rd November

A Cut and Thrust Tourney to round out the year. Sort your gear and focus your training for this cuttingly fun event!

Find more details here.

Save the Date

Dates in this section are still subject to change, but please put them in your diary so that you don’t miss out.

August 10th – Feast of Saint Christina
November 10th – Flight of Three Champions Archery Championship
December 8th – Yuletide Tournament
March 9th 2025 – Newcomer’s Event
March 23rd 2025 – Baronial Rapier Championship
May 24-25th 2025 – May Coronation

If you find an error, or wish an event added/updated, please email the Webminister