Sunday training has a $2 per member per day fee, and non-members are charged for insurance on top of this. The available options are as follow;

  • Purchase a $20 prepaid punch card (for use at trainings and A&S night only)
  • Pay cash on arrival ($2 for members, $12 for non-members)
  • Pre-payment for individual $12 non-member fees (Non-members only)

NOTE: We are unable to accept credit card payments at this time.

Purchasing a new $20 Prepaid Punch Card

Pay $20 cash with the Constable on duty, who will supply you with a card.


Deposit $20 into the Innilgard account (SCA Innilgard, BSB: 036-019, Account Number: 233917) and email proof of purchase to before training and collect your card from the Constable on duty.

  • Please do this 3-4 days before training so that the cash clears and cards can be organized.
  • When depositing a $20 payment for a new card, please use the reference “ST (your surname)” so it may be easily accounted for.

Important Notes on Prepaid Cards

  • Bank deposits for cards should only be made in $20 increments. The full amount of $20 must be paid to receive a card.
  • Payments for prepaid punch cards are non-refundable.
  • Cards are for use at Sunday Training and A&S night only. These cards can not be used for garbed SCA events.
  • Cards are worth $20. 10 visits at Sunday training or A&S nights at the current cost.
  • Cards are for the $2 hall payments only and should not be used for non-member payments.

Non-Member Prepayments

  • If you are a non-member and do not wish to pay cash on arrival, you may deposit $12 payments into the Innilgard account (SCA Innilgard, BSB: 036-019, Account Number: 233917) and email proof of payment to before training. Please do this 3-4 days before training so that the cash clears.
  • When depositing a $12 payment, please use the reference “ST (your surname)” so it may be easily accounted for.