Sunday 2nd June

Come One and All to the Splendors of Innilgards Fretted Frenzy!

The Crash of Sword and Shield will permeate the field at this Heavy Fighting Tournament. Format to be announced.

Harry Bowey Reserve, Riversdale Dr, Salisbury Park SA

9am – Setup
10am – Opening Court
11am – Tourney Start
2om – Melee Scenarios
3pm – Closing Court
4pm – Bump Out

Members: Free
Non-members: $10 non-member fee for adults and $5 for children

Steward: Reade o’Siane

Bookings not required.

This is a garbed event. All attendees are expected to wear at least an attempt at pre-17th century garb. If you need to borrow some clothes for the event, please contact the Hospitaller at least a week before the event to arrange to borrow something appropriate.

Participants are reminded that if they are unwell or showing cold or flu-like symptoms, they must not attend.