General Information
Unless stated otherwise, events are a chance for us to dress up and make our best attempt at recreating the middle ages as they should have been. All attendees are expected to wear at least an attempt at pre-17th century garb. If you need to borrow some clothes for the event, please contact the Hospitaller at least a week before the event to arrange to borrow something appropriate.
Minors are welcome to attend SCA events and training, but they must have a parent/guardian present. A parent/guardian can also nominate another adult each event or training session as a caregiver to serve this purpose, please ask the Constable for a form, or print one yourself (available here).
Market Day & Barbeque
Sunday 9th March
Late last year we sadly had to postpone the Xmas Market and BBQ. But fear not! It has been rescheduled!
Baronial Rapier Championship
Sunday 23rd March
The time has come to select the next Baronial Rapier Champion! Come and watch the displays of Prowess as we test our skills!
Rowany Festival
16-22nd April
Come join in the adventure that is Rowany Festival where we gather to fight, cheer, art, science, create, wait, run, hit, chat and enjoy our community.
Find more details and book here.
May Coronation
24-25th May
Be welcome to the Barony of Innilgard hosted by our glorious Baroness’ Curie Estelle and Odette de le Rive, and join us in celebrating the incoming 46th Crown of Lochac!
Find more details and book here.
Save the Date
Dates in this section are still subject to change, but please put them in your diary so that you don’t miss out.
May 3rd & 4th – Paracombe Medieval Fair Demonstration
Late May – Baronial A&S Championship
June 15th – Fun for Rapier
September 27-28th – Baronial Heavy Championship
October 25-46th – Foundation Day Picnic
November 8-9th – Baronial Archery Championship
November 16th – Huscarle’s Revenge
If you find an error, or wish an event added/updated, please email the Webminister