Sunday 23rd March

The Time Has come to select the next Baronial Rapier Champion! Come and watch the displays of Prowess as we test our skills!

Good Gentles all It’s time to announce THE FORMAT!!!

The tourney will be triple elimination.
This means you get 3 lives and these will extend all the way to the finals. So if you make it to the
finals with all 3 lives and your opponent has 1, they have to kill you thrice to win and you have to
kill them once to win.

The rounds will be fought with a mandatory off hand and will be in this order:
Round 1 – Rotella
Round 2 – Baton
Round 3 – Dagger
Round 4 – Buckler
Round 5 – Case
Round 6 – Cloak
Round 7 – I’m not telling :P
Finals – Single sword. (Empty off hand)

The round in which we get to the last 2 fencers, we move straight to the finals.
If you don’t have one of the above, do not fear! One will be provided to you. ;)

Byes: In the event that there are byes the current champion will fight the fencer. A loss in a bye will NOT count as a loss of a life as the champion should have no bearing on the overall winner.

Please note there will be NO pegs allowed in the ground. Please make allowances for this.

Payments can be made by Cash only at the venue or in advance by direct debit to:
BSB: 036019
Acct#: 233917

Ref: RAPIER [member number] OR
RAPIER NM [Surname]

The Gums Reserve, Shakespeare Ave, Tranmere SA 5073


Adult Member $5
Adult Non-Member $15
Child Non-Member $5

Steward: Ulrich of Innilgard
Bookings not required.