Do you like making things? Learning more about history through competitions?
Competitions are a great way to get feedback on your work and focus your research. For some, it definitely beats listening to lectures.
Unless otherwise noted A&S (Arts and Sciences) Competitions focus on articles/inspiration from pre-1600 CE.

If you’re confused and are wondering how to get involved with the competitions check out the Lochac Arts and Sciences site for a wealth of information.

Please contact the Baronial Arts & Sciences Officer if you have any queries regarding A&S Competitions. Links to competition paperwork will go up shortly, and information sessions on judging and entering A&S competitions will be run soon.

Innilgard A&S competition forms

A&S Competition Entry Form
– Want to submit an entry for an Arts and Sciences competition? You’ll need to print off and fill out these!

A&S- Competition Judging Form & A&S Competition Comment Form
– Both A&S Forms are required to submit a competition entry.

Upcoming Local Competitions

There’s currently no local A&S competitions planned. If you know of some, please contact the webminister.

Upcoming Lochac-wide competitions (Australia and New Zealand)

Note: each of the following dot points is a separate competition category, and you can submit anything that can be linked to the category unless it it guild-specific. So for example, for a embroidery guild competition, you would need to submit embroidery whereas for a general competition you can use any medium.

March Crown 2025:

  • Music For the Choir
  • Mythical
  • Mahgreb

May Coronation:

  • Locks and Keys
  • Memento Mori
  • 13th Century

September Crown:

  • Food Storage
  • Linen
  • On Squares and Commons

November Coronation:

  • Hairstyle
  • Medical
  • Celtic

March Crown 2026:

  • Buttons
  • Glass
  • Byzantium

Guild competitions

The Worshipful Company of Broderers also run separate Guild-based competitions focusing on embroidery techniques.
More details can be found at their website