• What happens: Archery and Combat Archery Training – Run by the College of Blessed Herman
  • When: Each 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month, weather permitting
  • Location: 45A Yeates Rd, Woodchester SA 5255 – Carpooling available from the University of Adelaide footbridge on Victoria Drive (meet at 8:45am to leave at 9:00)
  • Cost: $5 (covers archery supplies and builds funds towards improving the facility) – payable to: AUSCA, BSB: 105120, Acc. No: 590464940
  • Bring: Clothes you can move comfortably in (no attempt at medieval garb is needed) – Loaner equipment is available for use at each session at no charge.
  • Find out more details at our Archery facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/795676605104351