18th – 20th October 2024

Great Innilgard bids Welcome to all, Gentles Near and Far, Pray Gather and Pay Heed to the Progress of Their Hignesses, soon to be Majesties Bain and Iglesia, as they visit our Bountiful Barony.
Days of Glory and Art, Nights of Feasting and Song, Join us in this Glorious Celebration!

A three day fully-catered camping event (Friday afternoon arrival, Sunday night departure) with Armoured and Rapier tournaments, Archery, Feasting, Classes, Games and more.

There will be an Arts and Sciences Competition run with the joint themes of “Art” and “Valour”

There is space for camping as well as a large number of bunks available in shared cabins, however if numbers grow past their availability they will be assigned based on a priority system of medical needs, wayfarers and booking order.

Find the booking form here.

Any questions contact Dytryk.Lehrer@gmail.com

Glenhaven Park, 166 Ayliffe Bridge Rd, Stockport SA 5410

The planned timetable for the event can be found here.

4pm – Bump In and Setup
6pm – Soup Kitchen

9am – Opening Court

12pm – Closing Court
3pm – Bump Out

Full Event catered – $140
Full Event uncatered – $115
Day Ticket catered – $56
Day Ticket uncatered – $46
Non Member fee – +$10 to above prices
Child Ticket – 50% discount
Family Ticket – 2 adults 2 children – 5% discount

Steward: Dytryk Lehrer
Bookings: Dytryk Lehrer

Bookings Close: 4 October