Curie Estelle and Odette de Riviere, Baronesses of Innilgard, with the Baronial Archery, Rapier, Arts and Sciences and Armoured Combat Champions, October AS LIX.
Photo by Mistress Fionnabhair inghean ui Mheadhra
Curie Estelle and Odette de la Rive, Baronesses of Innilgard, with the Baronial Archery, Rapier, Arts and Sciences and Armoured Combat Champions, October AS LIX.
Photo by Mistress Fionnabhair inghean ui Mheadhra
Curie Estelle and Odette de Riviere, Baronesses of Innilgard, with the Baronial Archery, Rapier, Arts and Sciences and Armoured Combat Champions, October AS LIX.
Photo by Mistress Fionnabhair inghean ui Mheadhra